Move Semantics

Move semantics are an essential cpp concept. But to understand and appreciate them, we need to understand certain basics first. lvalue and rvalue int i = 0; Here: i is an lvalue whereas 0 is an rvalue. lvalue is an object that occupies some identifiable location in memory. rvalue is an object that does not occupy some identifiable location in memory. Basics of lvalue and rvalue We can assign an lvalue to an rvalue.

Struggling with Jacobians

Context Picture this: there is a 3rd year undergraduate student trying to simulate a cloth. He have an elementary understanding of physics, differential equations, linear algebra, vector calculus and programming. He have a very crude experience of all this. He is a basic person. But this basic person wants to simulate clothes. What does he need to do. Well don’t wory because that basic person is me. And following is my struggle to simulate a cloth.