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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CVec2Contains a 2D vector
 CVec3Contains a 3D vector
 CVec4Contains a 4D vector
 CComponentContains a Component
 CEntityContains an Entity
 CIndexBufferManages the IndexBuffer. For more information on IndexBuffers, visit Element Buffer Objects
 CMeshContains a Mesh
 CModelComponentContains a ModelComponent
 CPointLightComponentContains a PointLightComponent
 CRendererHandles all the rendering of the vertices
 CRenderer2DThis class provides an interface to draw 2D shapes
 CShaderA class for the Shader
 CStorageA struct that contains the data of the shapes
 CTextureA class for the Texture
 CTransformComponentContains the Transform Component
 CVertexA struct for the Vertex
 CVertexArrayA class for the VertexArray
 CVertexBufferA class for the VertexBuffer
 CAssetsA class that contains the assets used in the editor
 NVividGUIVividGUI namespace
 CMenuUIMenuUI class
 CSceneUISceneUI class
 CApplicationApplication class
 CCameraA class that represents the camera
 CEditorCameraA class for the EditorCamera
 CFrameBufferHandles the creation and management of a frame buffer
 CMovableCameraA class for the MovableCamera's
 COrthoCameraA class for the OrthoCamera's
 CRenderingInterfaceRenderingInterface class
 CTimerTimer class
 CWindowA class that represents a window and is wrapper of GLFWwindow