Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ examples | |
▼ examples2D | |
marching_squares.cpp | |
renderer_2D_example.cpp | |
▼ examples3D | |
bump_map.cpp | |
depth_map.cpp | |
ecs_test.cpp | |
instancing.cpp | |
suzanne_example.cpp | |
▼ src | |
▼ common | |
▼ maths | |
Vec.h | |
VectorHelper.h | |
▼ types | |
OpenGLTypes.h | |
SmartPointers.h | |
Types.h | |
▼ confs | |
Config.h | |
DynamicExportingMacros.h | |
▼ core | |
▼ ecs | |
► components | |
► light | |
DirectionalLightComponent.cpp | |
DirectionalLightComponent.h | |
PointLightComponent.cpp | |
PointLightComponent.h | |
► model | |
Mesh.cpp | |
Mesh.h | |
ModelComponent.cpp | |
ModelComponent.h | |
TransformComponent.cpp | |
TransformComponent.h | |
Component.cpp | |
Component.h | |
ComponentFactory.h | |
ComponentType.h | |
ECS.cpp | |
ECS.h | |
Entity.cpp | |
Entity.h | |
▼ os | |
FileDialogue.cpp | |
FileDialogue.h | |
▼ renderer | |
► shapes | |
Quad3d.cpp | |
Quad3d.h | |
Shape.h | |
Sphere.cpp | |
Sphere.h | |
FrameBuffer.cpp | |
FrameBuffer.h | |
IndexBuffer.cpp | |
IndexBuffer.h | |
Renderer.cpp | |
Renderer.h | |
Renderer2D.cpp | |
Renderer2D.h | |
Renderer3D.cpp | |
Renderer3D.h | |
Shader.cpp | |
Shader.h | |
Texture.cpp | |
Texture.h | |
VertexArray.cpp | |
VertexArray.h | |
VertexBuffer.cpp | |
VertexBuffer.h | |
VertexBufferLayout.h | |
▼ editor | |
▼ assets | |
Assets.cpp | |
Assets.h | |
▼ camera | |
► movable | |
EditorCamera.cpp | |
EditorCamera.h | |
MovableCamera.h | |
OrthoCamera.cpp | |
OrthoCamera.h | |
Camera.h | |
▼ gui | |
► menu | |
FileMenu.cpp | |
FileMenu.h | |
MenuUI.cpp | |
MenuUI.h | |
DockUI.cpp | |
DockUI.h | |
SceneUI.cpp | |
SceneUI.h | |
UIFlags.cpp | |
UIFlags.h | |
Application.cpp | |
Application.h | |
EntryPoint.h | |
RenderingInterface.h | |
Window.cpp | |
Window.h | |
▼ inputs | |
InputHandler.cpp | |
InputHandler.h | |
▼ utils | |
Error.cpp | |
Error.h | |
Timer.cpp | |
Timer.h | |
Vivid.h | |